This 2023 data-packed report by Asia Partners continues to share concrete statistics and trends pointing to the bright future of Southeast Asia’s internet economy You’ll find deep insights on how talent and founders move between tech companies in the region, funding gaps, common scaling strategies for tech players as well as actionable tips for investors and startups undergoing a tech winter.
5 posts
Despite potentially immense impact, deep tech companies often face fundraising challenges. Here’s an open database of more than 1,600 deep tech investors to help even out the competition for deep tech founders.
The number of family offices (FO) increased five-fold between 2017 and 2019.
This report gives an overview of the FO landscape in Singapore and five detailed case studies of why and how established global FOs have set up in the country.
OpenVC – the closest you’d get to a VC Wikipedia to help startups find investors at the right funding stage, ticket size and industry.
These free Venture Capital Investment Model Agreements and Legal Templates help investors and founders to reduce transaction costs and negotiation time.